Discourse and Dialog papers
- Pragmatics and Computational Linguistics, Jurafsky, Daniel. Handbook of pragmatics (2004)
- Hobbs, Jerry R., et al. "Interpretation as abduction." Proceedings of the 26th annual meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics. Association for Computational Linguistics, 1988.
Discourse Structure
- Attention, Intention, and the Structure of Discourse Grosz & Sidner
- Grosz, Barbara J., and Candace L. Sidner, Lost Intuitions and Forgotten Intentions Centering in discourse (1998): 39-51.
- Polanyi, Livia, The Linguistic Discourse Model: Towards a Formal Theory of Discourse Structure. No. BBN-6409. BBN LABS INC CAMBRIDGE MA, 1986.
- Polanyi, Livia, The Linguistic Structure of Discourse, in: Handbook of Discourse Analysis 2001.
- Mann, William, and Sandra Thompson, Rhetorical Structure Theory, ISI Technical Report
- Carlson, Lynn, Daniel Marcu, and Mary Ellen Okurowski. Building a discourse-tagged corpus in the framework of rhetorical structure theory. Springer Netherlands, 2003.
- Taboada, Maite, and William C. Mann. "Rhetorical structure theory: Looking back and moving ahead." Discourse studies 8.3 (2006): 423-459.
- Bunt, Harry. Dimensions in dialogue act annotation." Proc. of LREC. Vol. 6. 2006.
- Bunt, Harry, et al Towards and ISO standard for Dialog Act Annotation
- Bunt, Harry, et al Final ISO standard for Dialog Act Annotation
- Hearst, Marti, TextTiling: Segmenting Text into Multi-paragrph Subtopic Passages, ACL, 1997
- Venditti, Jennifer J., and Julia Hirschberg. Intonation and discourse processing Actes du 15éme Congrès des Sciences Phonétiques (ICPhS) (2003): 107-114.
Reference Resolution
- The Representation and Use of Focus in a System for Understanding Dialogs Barbara Grosz, 1977
- Focus in Dialog Barbara Grosz, 1978
- Hirst, Graeme. Discourse-oriented anaphora resolution in natural language understanding: A review. Computational Linguistics 7.2 (1981): 85-98.
- Grosz, Barbara J., Scott Weinstein, and Aravind K. Joshi. Centering: A framework for modeling the local coherence of discourse Computational linguistics 21.2 (1995): 203-225.
- Walker Toward a model of the interaction of centering with global discourse structure, 2000
- Dale, Robert, and Ehud Reiter. Computational interpretations of the Gricean maxims in the generation of referring expressions Cognitive science 19.2 (1995): 233-263.
- Eckert & Strube, Dialog Acts, Synchronizing Units, and Anaphora Resolution, Journal of Semantics, 2000.
- Recommended by Alex Luu
- Banarescu, Laura, et al. Abstract meaning representation (AMR) 1.0 specification. Parsing on Freebase from Question-Answer Pairs.” In Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Seattle: ACL. 2012.
- Pradhan, Sameer, et al. Conll-2011 shared task: Modeling unrestricted coreference in ontonotes. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning: Shared Task. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2011.
- Prince, Ellen F. The ZPG letter: Subjects, definiteness, and information-status. Discourse description: diverse analyses of a fund raising text (1992): 295-325.
- Raghunathan, Karthik, et al. A multi-pass sieve for coreference resolution. Proceedings of the 2010 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2010.
- Poesio, Massimo, et al. Centering: A parametric theory and its instantiations. Computational linguistics 30.3 (2004): 309-363.
- Kaiser, Elsi. Effects of topic and focus on salience. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung. Vol. 10. 2006.
- Recommended by Tuan Do
- Koller, Alexander, et al. Enhancing referential success by tracking hearer gaze. Proceedings of the 13th annual meeting of the special interest group on discourse and dialogue Association for Computational Linguistics, 2012.
- Johansson, Martin, and Gabriel Skantze. Opportunities and Obligations to Take Turns in Collaborative Multi-Party Human-Robot Interaction. 16th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue. 2015.
- Ha, Eun Young, et al. Combining verbal and nonverbal features to overcome the'information gap'in task-oriented dialogue Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2012.
- Pfeiffer, Thies, et al. Gesture semantics reconstruction based on motion capturing and complex event processing: a circular shape example Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialog (SIGDIAL) 2013 Conference. 2013.
- Recommended by Swini Garimella
- Barzilay, Regina, and Mirella Lapata. Modeling local coherence: An entity-based approach. Computational Linguistics 34.1 (2008)
- Yannakoudakis, Helen, and Ted Briscoe. Modeling coherence in ESOL learner texts. Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Building Educational Applications Using NLP. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2012.
- Burstein, Jill, et al. Holistic Annotation of Discourse Coherence Quality in Noisy Essay Writing. Dialogue and Discourse 4.2 (2013): 34-52.
- Recommended by Orion Montoya
- Raghunathan, Karthik, et al. A multi-pass sieve for coreference resolution. Proceedings of the 2010 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2010.
- Bansal, Mohit, and Dan Klein. Papers/Coreference semantics from web features. Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Long Papers-Volume 1. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2012.
- Yang, Xiaofeng, and Jian Su. Coreference resolution using semantic relatedness information from automatically discovered patterns. ACL. 2007.
- Durrett, Greg, and Dan Klein. Easy Victories and Uphill Battles in Coreference Resolution. EMNLP. 2013.
- Recommendations by Keigh Rim
- Purver, Matthew. "Topic segmentation. Spoken language understanding: systems for extracting semantic information from speech (2011): 291-317. http://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/~mpurver/papers/purver11slu.pdf
- Nguyen, Viet-An, Jordan Boyd-Graber, and Philip Resnik. SITS: A hierarchical nonparametric model using speaker identity for topic segmentation in multiparty conversations. Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Long Papers-Volume 1. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2012.
Dialog State Tracking Challenges
- Dialog State Tracking Challenge 1
- Dialog State Tracking Challenge 2& 3 Handbook
- Dialog State Tracking Challenge 4
- Black, Alan W., and Maxine Eskenazi. "The spoken dialogue challenge." Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2009 Conference: The 10th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2009.
- The REAL CHALLENGE 2014 Eskenazi, Black, Lee, Traum
- Henderson, Matthew. Machine learning for dialog state tracking: A review. Proceedings of The First International Workshop on Machine Learning in Spoken Language Processing. 2015.
Belief modeling
- The Use of Belief Networks for Mixed-Initiative Dialog Modeling Meng, Wai, & Pieracini, 2003
Speech Acts
- Techniques for Plan Recognition Carberry 2001
- Using Dialog-Level Knowledge Sources to Improve Speech Recognition CMU 1988
- COLLAGEN: When Agents Collaborate with People RIch & Sidner 1996
- Generation and evaluation of user tailored responses in multimodal dialogue Walker, Whittaker, Moore, Johnston, et al
- Analyzing Intention in Utterances Allen & Perrault
BDI and Planning Architectures
- Badler, Norman I., et al. “Planning and parallel transition networks: Animation’s new frontiers.” Center for Human Modeling and Simulation (1995): 91.
Speech System Architectures
- Galaxy II Architecture Seneff, et al. 1998
- WebGalaxy Lau, et al. 1997
- Galaxy-II_Architecture_for_evaluation Polifroni & Seneff, 2000
Dialog Systems
- Bootstrapping Spoken Dialog Systems with Data Reuse Di Fabbrizio, Tur, AT&T Labs, 2011
- Large-Scale Experiments on Data-Driven Design of Commercial Spoken Dialog Systemsk, Suendermann, Liscome, Bloom, Li, Peiraccini, 2011
- Automating spoken dialogue management design using machine learning: An industry perspective Paek & Pieraccin, 2008
- Are We There Yet? Research in Commercial Spoken Dialog Systems Pieraccini, et. al
- Bohus, Dan, and Alexander I. Rudnicky. "The RavenClaw dialog management framework: Architecture and systems. Computer Speech & Language 23.3 (2009): 332-361.
- Bohus, Dan, and Alexander I. Rudnicky RavenClaw: Dialog Management Using Hierarchical Task Decomposition and an Expectation Agenda. (2003)
- Rudnicky, Alexander, and Wei Xu. An Agenda-based Dialog Management Architecture for Spoken Language Systems. IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop. Vol. 13. 1999.
- CARDIAC: An Intelligen Conversationalt Assitant for Chronic Heart Monitoring
- An Architecture for a Generic Dialogue Shell
- Allen, J., Byron, D., Dzikovska, M., Ferguson, G., Galescu, and Stent, A. 2000. An Architecture for a Generic Dialogue Shell
Dialog Structure
- Dialog Acts in VERBMOBILE
- Utilizing Statistical Dialogue Act Processing in Verbmobil Reithinger & Maier, 1995
Cambridge University
- The Hidden Information State Approach to Dialog Management Steve Young, et. al, 2006
- Talking to Machines (Statistically Speaking) Steve Young 2002
- Using POMDPs for Dialog Management Steve Young
- Young, Stephanie, et al. POMDP-based statistical spoken dialog systems: A review. Proceedings of the IEEE 101.5 (2013): 1160-1179.
- Dialog_evaluation_simulation_2005
- Galaxy-II_Architecture_for_evaluation
- Paradise_dialog_evaluation_1997
- Paradise_Evaluation_2001
- Subject_based_evaluation_MIT_SRI_1992
- Comparing Spoken Dialog Corpora Collected with Recruited Subjects versus Real Users, Hua Ai1, Antoine Raux2, Dan Bohus3∗, Maxine Eskenazi2, Diane Litman1,AAAI 2007
- Large-Scale Experiments on Data-Driven Design of Commercial Spoken Dialog Systems, D. Suendermann, J. Liscombe, J. Bloom, G. Li, R. Pieraccini, Interspeech 2011
Knowledge vs Data
Languge modeling
Languge modeling tools
Starting from the linguistic/syntax perspective
Spoken Language Processing Group. Columbia University, New York. On the Role of Prosody in Structuring Discourse October 5, 2005 - Berlin, Germany.
Speech Recognition Systems and Evaluations
- 1. BBN Diachronic (BN): BBN 2000, BBN_2004_BN, BBN-LIMSI-iEEE06
- 2. Conversational vs. Broadcast News: BBN_2004_CT, BBN_2004_BN, BBN-LIMSI-iEEE06, NIST_rt04f_stt_results
- BBN 2004 Broadcast News
- BBN 2004 Conversational Telephony
- BBN 2006 IEEE Journal Paper
- NIST 2004 Speech Recognition Results
- 3. IBM Diachronic: IBM2000, IBM 2004, IBM_ieee_2006
- 4. Synchronic across major players: BBN_2004, IBM_2004, SRI_2004, NIST_rt04f_stt_results
- 5. Language (Chinese): BBN_2007_Mandarin, IBM 2007 Arabic, SRI-IEEE06, NIST_rt04f_stt_results
- 6. Language (Arabic): BBN_2005_Arabic, SRI-IEEE06, NIST_rt04f_stt_results
- 7. Application (Meeting recorder): SRI_ICSI_2007_meeting_Recorder, IBM_2007_lecture_meeting, RT07Results-v08
- 8. Application (Term detction): IBM STD 06sigir07, Queensland phonetic search, STD06-NIST-English_Results